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Squid noodles with Thai stock, enoki, bacon and quail yolk



Recipe Image 834


  1. Clean the squid, open the body in half, fold it back on itself making a cylinder and film it, extracting the air and compressing the interior.
  2. Beat down and cut very finely with the slicer, obtaining the noodles.
  3. Sauté them with grated garlic cloves and mild olive oil.
  4. Make cross-shaped cuts in the skin of the bacon and rub well with oil, salt and pepper. We cook it in the oven for approximately 20 minutes at 220ºC, and then we lower the temperature to 180ºC and let it cook for two more hours. The interior of the bacon must reach 70ºC. We let it rest for 15 minutes and cut one or two slices around the plate.
  5. Separate the yolk from the white of the quail egg and reserve it in a little sunflower oil so that it does not break.
  6. Wash the enoki and cut and discard the base.
  7. Wash and finely chop the negi, wash them in warm water and keep them in ice water.
  8. Bring the Balfegó Thai stock to a boil and pass it through a fine strainer. We reserve.
  9. Plate the hot noodles in the centre, add around the regenerated bacon, the enoki, the nori seaweed cut into small squares and the negi. Pour the Balfegó Thai base and  finish incorporating the egg yolk as a garnish in the centre


  • 150ml of Balfegó Thai stock
  • 1 large squid
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 300 gr of bacon
  • 1 quail egg
  • 1 nori seaweed
  • 20g fresh enoki
  • 2 negi (Asian leek)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Mild olive oil

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