Balfegó, the only wild bluefin tuna company maintained with environmental sustainability certification See certificate
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We are determined to contribute to not only the sustainability of bluefin tuna, but to the improvement of its current and future circumstances to ensure the continuity of the resource for future generations.
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We are B Corp

We became the first Spanish company in the fishing sector to be part of the B Corp movement for our commitment to sustainability, social responsibility and positive impact on the environment and the community.

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AENOR certification for environmental sustainability

Certification and control of the different stages, such as extractive fishing, the feeding phase, the commercialisation phase and environmental monitoring of our activities.

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Fishing concentrated on adult specimens and target species

The selective seine technique we use allows us to concentrate our fishing on one species and even lets us free fish that are smaller than 30 kg, which is the minimum weight allowed. We only catch adult bluefin tuna, with an average age of 10 years. Bluefin tuna mature sexually at 4, so they are able to reproduce for at least 6 years.

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Fishing regulated by ICCAT

Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) fishery is the most studied, controlled and regulated form of fishery in the world, by any scientific standard. The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) is a UN and FAO regional fisheries management organisation responsible for the conservation of tuna. Its management policies are based on periodic reports on fishery statistics issued by the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS).


Fishing quotas like Total Allowable Catches (TAC) that are based on the Maximum Sustainable Yield established by the SCRS.

Release of young fish. Minimum size of 30 kg, while sexual maturity is reached at 25 kg.

Electronic Bluefin Tuna Catch Documents (eBCD).

Registry of ships and ports. Bluefin tuna can only be caught by licensed vessels and can only be unloaded in authorised ports.

International and independent ICCAT observers present throughout the entire fishing process and every day at the aquafarming facilities.

Driving projects with scientific institutions

We collaborate with ICCAT, the Spanish Government and organisations such as the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC), the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (Instituto Español de Oceanografía, IEO), the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries, IRTA) and the University of Cádiz, among others, with the objective of improving knowledge of bluefin tuna as a species and to implement projects and actions that improve its sustainability.
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Traceability beyond regulations

Our ground-breaking traceability system goes beyond European regulations. It ensures the safety and and legality of the product throughout the whole marketing supply chain, in an efficient and controlled manner. We work to promote responsible consumption and total transparency so that both chefs and diners have access to each and every piece of information.

Environmentally friendly fishing vessels

Our fleet is one of the most eco-efficient fleets in Spain if we take into account the CO2 emissions per kilogram of fish caught.

We are pioneers in

Verifying the reproduction of bluefin tuna.

Developing fishery management and control measures.

Electronically tracing individual tunas as well as each and every one of their parts.

Electronically managing the catch documents in all phases of fishing, transfer, caging, transformation and commercialisation.

Commercialisation of each and every part of the bluefin tuna (preventing waste).