Balfegó at the first edition of Spain Fusion Japan
Balfegó was present at two events sponsored by ICEX Exportación e Inversiones (Foods&Wines from Spain) and Alimentos de España, and organized by Vocento Gastronomía. This is the first edition of Spain Fusion held in the Asian continent. They began on 11 September with Spain Fusion Tokyo, which brought together specialized journalists, chefs, tastemakers and some of Japan’s most influential professionals in the hospitality sector. Providing an added incentive were some of the leading chefs of Spanish cuisine: Andoni Luis Aduriz, Quique Dacosta and Jordi Roca.
In the evening, Balfegó took part in NIGHT OUT, with a product corner offering traditional sushi tastings (nigiris and makis) and a tuna belly ‘shabu shabu‘.
The schedule for this first day focused on the following presentations and activities:
Quique Dacosta used his presentation ‘Allegory from the sea (tuna and salt)‘ to reflect on the artistic nature of cuisine through meticulously crafted dishes and drawing on the insights of philosophers, painters, art curators… A creative, refined, aesthetically driven chef, who seeks beauty in his dishes and is connected to Japanese culture.
The session of Spain Fusion Tokyo culminated with a dinner where a menu created for the occasion by Quique Dacosta, Andoni Aduriz and Jordi Roca, with his nephews Marc and Martí, sons of Joan and Josep Roca, and Yoshihiro Narisawa and Katshuito Inoue gave guests a taste of Spanish and Japanese haute cuisine.
On September 14, the HOTEL THE RITZ CARLTON in Kyoto hosted MADRID FUSION ATELIER.
Balfegó received the attendees in the morning with a product exhibition corner, and in the evening it did so again at NIGHT OUT, with a product corner with traditional sushi tastings (nigiris, sashimi and tartar) and tuna belly ‘shabu shabu’.
Another comprehensive culinary and wine tasting awaited the professionals who attended this event to learn about the gastronomy of our country: